LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Family Reunion Trip 2012


Wednesday after we picked Bradley up from school we drove up to Maryland.  The main event was the family reunion but we always have time for a few extra things.  Not as much as we would like but that’s how the story goes for us every trip.  I need to take like a week and stay there so I can see people I haven’t seen since Bradley was a baby.  I used to be able to visit a lot more with one child and a husband deployed.

We stayed the night with the Gautier’s and I think the kids are really starting to think they are real cousins.  So cute.  They get a long great and always have so much fun!

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Thursday we went to see our friend Jason’s house that he just bought.  He has a nice size pool so the kids were all over that and the adults were too.  It was SO SO hot and the water was super refreshing! Both Bradley and Gavin had breakthrough moments with overcoming fears in the water and swimming so I was very grateful for that.

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Saying “Bye” Friday morning.

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We headed over to my grandmas house and hung out and helped her around the house and make food for Saturday.  Later that afternoon Dunka drove there and we all went out to a late lunch.

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We got ice cream and went to the park too! This is a new park in my grandma’s neighborhood.  Grammy took Bradley and the boys here in June and Bradley has been asking to go back.  When he saw the park with Grammy he was running and said “this park is out of its mind!” and when they went home that day in June he said to Grammy, “ Thanks for taking us to the new Indian park.  I especially liked that you didn’t take any pictures!” What a little squirt that one!

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Saturday morning we got ready for the annual family reunion.  Snapped a few pictures before the kids started getting dirty for the day and stripping down.




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My great Aunt Ruth (my grandmothers sister) loves all my grandmother’s family as her own.  She loves the kids so much she is one of those “squeezer” Aunts. 

This year we took my family reunion to a whole new level and invited Brad’s side of the family.  We wanted more time to see them and my family reunion is just a bunch of kids playing so we figured what’s a few more.  Billy and Devon live just 10 minutes away from my cousin Jenn’s house, where the reunion is always at now.  I also had been telling them I would introduce them since Allison, Katelyn, and Bella and Madelyn are the same age.  Hopefully they will have play dates now.


We went to Billy and Devon’s first to spend one on one time with them first.  The boys not cooperating with my picture.




High 5 Daddy!


The Woodward Cousins.  Now were missing Stella though.  Of course, Gavin does not have pants on!

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Uncle Butch (or really my second cousin)


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It was strange taking pictures of the boys cousins together.  Since we have never lived near either of them it is not like we have had this experience for Birthday parties or things like that.

Aubrey and Madelyn both being gorgeous little cooks! All the sand creations were delicious.




Teasing Billy and Devon with a picture.  Brad and I always catch them off being lovey dovey while were watching all the kids.  They are a trip!




My Jackson! I didn’t tell Billy and Devon this in fear Billy would snatch up Bella and go but Jackson came up to Joanie and said “Mom, you know those two girls Nah-Nah brought?  Well, are they…..????” He didn’t know how to ask it but Joanie knew what he was trying to get out.  She said “No, you are not related!” His excitement beamed all over his face and he exclaimed, “Yes! Well, then excuse me, I gotta go get some digits!” He was smitten over Bella the whole time. I am also pretty certain if he asked Bella for “digits” she would not know what he was talking about!


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Giving Uncle Brad messy cookie kisses.



The Family. This is all of Grandmas parents descendants.  Also a few of my Grandpa’s side of the family too.


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Gavin and Livi always love each other.  Gavin got a little somber tired attitude going on.  He just stood here in a daze like this for a while as I played corn hole.

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On the way home after a great trip.  Easton said “feet” as he showed them stinky dirty things to mommy!


two girls, a boy and a blog said...

Love it! We had such a great time! Your family is so wonderful and fun! Please hug your grandma for me again and thank her for inviting the extended, extended, opposite side of the family!!! LOL

The Marsh's said...

That picture of you & Brad is sooooo good!!! Glad you had a nice trip :)