LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Virginia Beach Weekend

The weekend of June 22nd we went to Grammy’s in VA Beach.  Andrew, Jen and the girls met us there for a short fun filled weekend.  I am glad it worked out because it was the only weekend we both had free in June. When we arrived on Friday we just went out for pizza and waited for Andrew and the girls to get there.  They got stuck in lots of traffic.  That night we decided to walk to a local hang out.  Grammy was on kid duty.  We had a lot of fun just laughing and talking. The next day was a full beach day…… 


Bradley loves the water.  His face just lights up and seems so be in his element.  So much so that I can’t get him out to reapply sunscreen or eat or play in the sand. He isn’t afraid or didn’t mind it being cold.  He likes to go deeper and deeper in and loves when Daddy, Grammy or Uncle Andrew will take him in deep.



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Bradley and Aubrey got to go on a big water slide they have set up on the beach.  Ummmm, they LOVED it!


They also thought it was funny to see other people sliding down.


Mom and her friend and coworker Susan



Gavin also in his element at the water side.


Livi, on the other hand, is a little more timid when it comes to the water.  The picture above with the words is fitting for her because she does love to get really sandy.


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I think Easton is behind him.  Maybe that is why I didn’t have too many pictures of him.  He is the photo bomber.


Forever the cutest best friend cousins!



Lastly, here is a picture from our second night out.  We ended up leaving by 11 on Sunday.  Gavin got sick that night and we all needed our rest once we got home and mom too before she went back to work on Monday.  I was so thankful for this time with my mom and my brother and his family.  I love my brothers and am always so thankful when we can see them.  Having families of your own and living in different states has proven it hard at times so the times we do get together is not discounted by me.  I am one thankful girl for being part of this weekend.

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