LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Weekend with Bubba & Fam!

This last Friday we went to Nathan, Joanie and Jackson’s place near Charlotte, NC. No particular reason except we were overdue to see each other.  On Friday we got there and right away the ladies took off to go to a party.  It wasn’t your usual Tupperware or purse party.  Let’s just say there were some silly games and vibrating things happening. This was one of Joanie’s friends hosting the party and since it happened to fall on the same weekend she made me tag along with her.  I swear I was forced!! haha.  No, really, it was a lot of fun just because we were all so scared of the objects and laughed at the idea of so many things.  It really was like a school lesson for me.  I am happy to say I am still innocent.  Maybe a little TMI for the readers but honestly all that stuff is just too much for me to handle. This Emily is enticing all on her own. Wink, Wink! 


Joanie’s party face.


If Jackson only knew what his Aunts were up to…


Jackson and his Nah-Nah


On Saturday we went to their pool.  The boys had a blast being little fish again.


A rare moment when I laid out.  I spent time swimming with Bradley and being a referee with the toys.



Lounging around for the evening and after getting knuckle sandwiches from Uncle Bubba.



Bradley and Gavin slept in a bed together there and I found them like this when I went in to kiss them.  They looked like twins in utero or something when I had the picture in black and white.  They were so exhausted from the day.  Sweet dreams my babies.


On Sunday morning we took the boys to the park and to play basketball. 


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They are the cutest sweatiest boys I ever did see!



After the park session we headed home.  Joanie said Jackson cried that we left which is the sweetest thing from him.  He has become such a mature and strong 10 year old it amazes me! Our boys on the other hand were completely knocked out.  Bradley slept the whole way home and then said “Why did that not feel as long to get home as it did to get there?” I told him because he slept the whole way and he said “I did?1” He didn’t remember sleeping or waking up.  I swear I don’t drug my kids but if I did I know it would work, haha!! It just wore them out keeping up with their older cousin who runs non stop and is used to so much sports athleticism.  All in due time for us. It has been and will be fun to still see these boys growing even more together throughout the years. We love our Uncle Bubba & family!!

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