LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Monday, February 8, 2010


So for all of you who keep up on the crazy speakings of Bradley and how smart and random he is, this is what happened today. I started hearing him say "nick-name" alot and then he asked me today. "Mom, whats your nick-name?" I asked him where he learned that and he said from Veggie Tales but who knows! So, I asked him if he knew what it was and he said no so then here I am trying to explain to an almost three year old what nick-names are. So, I told him mine was emmy or em or m&m or big butt (sike, i really didnt tell him that one!) and then through a serious of a million questions of everyone of our friends and family we recalled everyones nick-name! Daddy's is Woody, Bradleys is Bradley Bear, Gavins is Gavin Wavin, Sophias is pia, Liz is Wiz, Aubreys is Aubs, Olivias is Livy, Madelyns is Mad Mad or Mow, Isabellas is Bella, Bub or what we call her Smellas, Aunt Brittanys is Bitty, one that Bradley gave our friend Becky is Ducky which she like makes him call her that always since she loves it! My brother Nathan is Bubba from me then bradley started calling him uncle bubba and my other brother andrew my nick name for him is Adoo since thats what i called him when I was little. So, my point is where would the world be without nicknames? The military gives nick-names, children give and get nick-names, pets get nick-names and so on. Im sure I left some of your nick names out that I know so sorry if I did. You have to understand, Bradley loves to talk so I had to stop somewhere. I hope everyone has a positive experience nick-name, I also realize that not all of them can be great growing up. Like, for example, I will throw myself out there in hopes that you will too, my brothers called me "nappy-cappy." Can you feel the love from my childhood peopel! So, I would love to hear your nickname....comment to this post and tell me all about it! And if you never had a good nickname before then I am really SORRY!


The Baldwin Family said...

Growing up my Dad called me munchkin or munch, and then in 10th grade Erica Franklin gave me the nickname "Pete-e" which is still very commonly used today! Luke doesn't have good nickname potential because Tommy hates when anyone calls him Lukey. But, sometimes he gets "fussy gussy" or "silly willy" :)

Liz said...

Oh you know my "childhood"nickname. "Bettie" I use that term very loosely considering my family still calls me that. They even have the name listed in their cell phone. "Bettie Home" and "Bettie cell." Apparently it caught on and it will never stop. Phillip was the one that started it since he couldn't say my name when I was born, and I have been Bettie every since.

And no it is not pronounced like betty but more like Bet-tee. It's hard to explain, I know.

Just for the record, Sophia has a new name for you, Aunt Emawee. It is so cute.

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

You have to beautiful babys. They are so precious.

The Marsh's said...

Alan calls Ryder Stink or Stinky and everyone yells at him all the time because they're afraid it will stick! Haha, I just laugh, i think he's adorable no matter what he's called :)