LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

For the Love of Family, a Trooper and Pirates

This past week we had Mimi, Nana and her husband (Uncle John as we call him) visiting.  The boys were totally spoiled with chocolate milk, Swedish fish, playing nonstop and constant attention.  Brad and I were also spoiled with two days of dates and I never had to cook or clean either!  We got to go out for 5 hours each day! I can’t stay away too long for Easton is still partially dependent on me for his food. 

On Friday we all went together to see Brad’s cousin Johnny graduate from North Carolina State Trooper, Highway Patrol School.  After the graduation I dropped Brad off at the airport to fly to California.  He will be gone for 9 days! I am counting them down.  I will miss my honey and also his extra set of hands needed for these three boys.  He will be helping his Dad pack up their stuff in the moving truck and driving 4 days cross country to Virginia and then helping him move into their new home.  I know he will give me a break when he gets back.  I am glad he gets this time away from being thrown into the stay at home dad thing and being able to spend quality time with his dad. 

Today, we ventured over to the Salvog home for Chase and Sophia’s birthday party.  It was the cutest Pirate and Fairy theme.  We wore our pirate gear including me except for my pink flowered shoes and sparkles like a fairy.  I was dressed for both sides! The kids had so much fun and I did too! I love any time I get to spend with that family.  Happy Birthday Chase!



Nana with her great grandchildren and Gavin loving on her. 



Toddlers and mouths! Fascinates them.  Everything goes in the mouth. 


Four generations of family. 


What Nana’s do best!


After all that rocking she put herself to sleep too.


Such a Daddy’s boy!



Gavin is such a lover when he is not being a terror. 


Wiping his face.


His “head hugs.”  These are so sweet! He does this to all of us as you can see that he doesn’t always hug with his arms too. 



What is going on with all these head hugs mom? 


I got a new game for Bradley.  Zingo (Bingo with a twist)!! I highly recommend it for 4 year olds and older! We had so much fun. 


Brad and I about to go on one of our two dates.  We ate way too much food and saw the inside of the movie theater too much for one week but they were practically forcing us out of our own house.  We needed it.  With three kids I have found we need breaks more frequently and for longer periods of time for it to soak in.  Oh, we saw Just Go With It and The Adjustment Bureau and we liked them both. 


At Johnny’s Trooper graduation with his daughter Kylie. 



Easton snoozing during the two hour ceremony.

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Johnny swearing in! We are all so proud of him and his new career adventure.


I didn’t bring my camera to the party today so here is us back at home after.  This must be mommy’s boy since he announced his favorite chocolate was Reese’s and ate all of them in a single sitting.  Now where have I seen that happen before? ha!



Gavin in his Pirate shirt.



Easton had Pirate shoes and not a shirt. 


Ahoy Matey!!


The Marsh's said...

You guys are so cute! Do I start off every comment I write you with that? Glad you got some time away for just you & Brad...I know how much we need it with just 1 kid, can't even imagine with 3!

Nicki said...

It's amazing to see all three boys sitting next to each other, just how alike they all really look! They are so cute!

Liz said...

Great pictures! I am so glad you were able to bring the crew over to the house for the party. It wouldn't be the same without you!! :)

The Steinhauser Family said...

Glad you guys got to go out & spend some time alone! :) I love Gavin's 'Head Hugs' LOL, so cute!