LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Climbing, Wrestling, Cleaning and Playing



I need to get more pictures for this category because there is a new obstacle conquered everyday.  Here he is taking the cushions off and standing on the couch.  Yesterday I caught him climbing on the big table chairs (so far we were just used to kid chairs) and then from that he was standing on the kitchen table!





They were wrestling with Daddy the other night and then he threw Gavin on Bradley.  The giggles are endless here!



Well, that is what the vacuum was intended for! Instead, Bradley turned it into a blow dryer attack machine to get Gavin.  Luckily, Gavin is a good sport and they both had fun. 





Yesterday after church Bradley had a play date with Jordan.  It was rainy and cold out so they just ran and played inside and I made them separate bowls of popcorn, Swedish fish, goldfish and raisins.  They decided to make Trail Mix out of it and mix it with screwdrivers! So silly and cute!





This is all the pictures I have taken over the whole week.  Other than this it has been pretty uneventful around here.  Bradley has Spring Break this week for preschool so We are going to have to get creative since the weather turned cold and rainy again which limits outdoor stuff.

While I am thinking of it and don’t want to forget these.  here are some BQOTD’s.

Bradley- “Daddy, do you know what makes you so special?”

Brad- “No, what buddy?”

Bradley- “You gave me my shorts I wanted to wear and if I asked mommy she  would have made me find them!”

Me (overhearing this) - “Gee, thanks!”


Bradley- “Mommy you are the best mommy in the whole wide world so when we get home you deserve a chocolate donut!” 

Me- “Oh, thanks bud, that’s so sweet!”

Bradley - “And maybe I can have one too since I said that to you!”

LOL!! I was thinking what a little skeezer manipulator!


“Mom, I can’t clean my room because my arm is going to fall off! Oh, chicken!”


Diana said...

BQOTD's are absolutely hilarious! I love how Gavin climbs on things and gets himself up, that's too funny! And good thing they both have a good sense of humor when they wrestle! Lol.

Nicki said...

Those Bradley quotes are hilarious...your house must be full of laughter all the time! :)

The Marsh's said...

Bradley is SO funny, what a personality that little guy has!

two girls, a boy and a blog said...

I CANNOT WAIT TO BE NEAR YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU:-)

The Baldwin Family said...

Em you have such beautiful boys!! I love Gavin's hair :) Bradley just seems like so much fun to be around and Easton is just adorable!!