LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Glamorous Life!

Lets see, so much has happened where do I begin?  I will start with Sunday, my Dad came to visit for a few days and right when he got here we went to the park to meet some friends which was already planned. 


Playing soccer with one of his girlfriends, Jordan.


GrandPop and Gavin at the water fountain.


GrandPop brought a gift over for Bradley’s Birthday from Aunt Joanie, Uncle Bubba and Jackson.  Some Sherriff get up stuff! Gavin liked it just as much as Bradley!  Thank You!



What’s a Sherriff outfit without handcuffs to lock away the bad guys! I don’t know what he was thinking but this picture is hilarious.




Now onto Monday morning when all three of them woke up while the sun was still not up and Bradley woke with a fever and saying his ear hurt and Gavin woke up with a stomach bug! So, I kept Bradley home from school. 



GrandPop with the sicklings and Easton. 


Here are the boys making the best of being sick.  Gavin says “Pow-Pow” now which was taught to him by his big brother of course. 




All day Monday consisted of outfit changes, Tylenol and baths.  Thankfully Easton is staying healthy.  On Tuesday, they woke up seemingly fine and my Dad went home.  We went on a fieldtrip to the local fire department with friends (pictures later) that morning and had lots of fun.  I will admit I woke up feeling funny but had no clue what was about to hit me!! Lets just say my Dad got lucky and escaped in time. That afternoon I got the stomach virus along with Gavin and it hit me FAST and HARD. Meanwhile Gavin still had diarrhea and Bradley is still complaining of an ear ache.  I called my mom and Brad in a panic (Brad is still out of town and will be home tomorrow).  My mom started driving here from Maryland and Brad called his Doctor friend.  So thankful we have family and friends lovingly willing to help.  We got a house visit from the Doctor at 8 at night who gave me nausea medicine and Imodium and called in an antibiotic prescription for Bradley’s double ear infection!! 


Meanwhile, this little man is happy as a clam!




Wednesday morning I rushed to get Bradley’s prescription filled.  he took the first dose but for some reason it hit him the worst this day.  he slept all day and all night and ran a fever all day.  Then, now that Gavin and I are getting better, Bradley started having to run to the bathroom.  He said “Mommy, I hear bumbling noises in my belly.” and “When am I going to feel better?” He also said “Why did God get me sick?” That was a good question for me to explain to him that God is our Healer not the one who makes us sick.  He assumed that because he knows God created everything. 

So, here we are at Thursday and we are all getting better and I pray Bradley will get better really soon! This has been going on for 4 days and he has missed a lot of school.

This is at times the Glamorous life of a Mommy and even when you are a Grammy like my mom, it seems the Glamorous life continues…..


Liz said...

My goodness! What is with our kids? I hope EVERYONE feels better, and I'm so glad Patty is there to help you until Brad gets home. Thinking of all those boys.

Nicki said...

How nice of your Mom to drive down to help you! I see this infamous stomach bug is infecting all of us! Hope you're all feeling better!

Diana said...

Holy sickness :( I hope you and the rest of your family gets better soon! SOO sweet of your mom to make that drive for her babygirl :) AND what a nice Doctor friend to come over and write you and Bradely those prescriptions! I hope everyone feels better soon and Easton stays clear!

The Steinhauser Family said...

Aww how sweet of your mom to help!!!! I hope you all feel better ASAP!

The Marsh's said...

Sorry, just now catching up, but my goodness! That must have been miserable having everyone sick at once, luckily Easton escaped it all! That was SO sweet of your mom to come to the rescue though, moms are the best!