LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Monday, March 21, 2011

17 month old Gavin

Today is Gavin’s 17 month old mark. He is such a joy and I know part of it can be attributed to this fun toddler age but I hope his fun loving happy spirit resides in him always. I have said it before and I will say it again, he is such a little Lover. He comes up to all of us and hugs us or scoots his butt up to us to sit down and be held. The feisty side is definitely there but we see more of a lover than a fighter.


Some new things since last month or just things I leave out because he does so much it is hard to keep up!


~ He throws his food from the high chair and cup and when we tell him NO sternly, he gets his feelings hurt, makes a square lip pouty face and rests his head on his chair. Then he just throws stuff again!


~ New words are….dinosaur, circle and he said a sentence, “What does that do?” which is a bigger variation of his “whaaddds daaattt?” from last month. I was worried his speech was behind but I am over worrying and know he has proven over and over again to be our very well adjusted child.


~ He climbs on too many tables to count and really scares me. His arm is stretching more and more everyday on what he can reach. We equate everything in the house into “Gavin's reachable distance” but even if it is out of his reach like Bradley sippy cup one day, he just took a plastic baseball bat and swung and hit it off the table. Nothing will stand in his way. He also loves to dance and has started a new side step thing that is hilarious.


~ He adores his brothers. He follows Bradley everywhere and gives Easton a head hug everyday.


~ He loves to be outside. When it is time to come in he will throw a mini meltdown for 1.5 minutes and then once he is distracted he is over it. Since he has such a love for the outdoors he can of course say "outside" and asks to go out if we are not already.


~ Oh and the distraction that always settles him is a sippy cup of milk. He loves his milk.

There he is! Our handsome 17 month old. Until next month........


Nicki said...

It's so funny to read about his personality! He is such a cutie, happy 17 months Gavin! :)

Diana said...

Awww what a little lovie guy!! He's so adorable, just like his brothers! Happy 17 Months, Gavin :)

The Marsh's said...

Happy 17 months!! He's SO adorable and seems to have such a cute personality! I know your days are filled with entertainment!

The Baldwin Family said...

He's so adorable! Sounds like he's fun to be around. Makes me want to drive to NC and give him a squeeze!