LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Time for the ZOO

Spring weather is the perfect time for the Zoo.  Not too cold, not too hot and when your with friends, why not?! Wednesday we went with my friend Sarah and her two children Matthew and Brooke to our NC Zoo.  Bradley and Matthew are in school together and Brooke is a little older than Gavin but they get along great.  When Brooke isn’t having a crush on Bradley she pays attention to Gavin.  Gavin has no clue and he likes her and calls her “My Brookey.” They are two and a half years apart so I really hope that we don’t have to deal with this when they are older.  Your girlfriends liking your older brother, oh no! I know it happens but it just dawned on me for my boys. Luckily this first case is not very serious.




This Chimps name was Jonathon and he was a show off and crowd pleaser how close he got to the glass.  Their was another Chimp ( a younger male) who ran up and slammed into the glass right in front of all of them to startle them.  Trouble maker chimp! The kids laughed though!

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Lemur’s from Madagascar.

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I wouldn’t want to smell his “gorilla breath!”

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Our Zoo just opened up and animatronics Dinosaur experience.  All the Dinosaurs moved to seem life like and made noises.  It was really neat.  Fascinating for the kids and the parents learn a lot too.

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Bradley was a little scared of the T- Rex at first because it was so life like.


Camp Tent for the Paleontologists.  Checking out replicas. 







If we lived on earth with Dinosaurs I would not be smiling like this!


This nice staff guy walked around giving information.  He was showing them a dino claw.

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Baby TRex’s are freaky looking!




This guy moves and squirts water.  He got me right in the eye, my camera a little and Gavin.  Gavin was scared but shook it off quickly.  I thought it was hilarious only since my camera didn’t get ruined, or my eye!! 


At the end of the trail they can look for fossils in the sand and keep real small fossils in the dirt that they find.  Like shark teeth, prehistoric snails and sea urchins.


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Turtles.  Don’t you sun bathe like this? haha!


Slithery snake.  We saw so many I don’t know which one this is.

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The cougars were calm and hiding while the sea lion put on a swimming show!


Dessert Cats.

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We ended with ice cream.  It was a great day and the boys did great!  I was actually surprised at how into it Gavin was and how much he walked on his own.

Daddy stayed home with Easton so I didn’t have to be supermom with 1 on 3 that day.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Looks like you guys had fun! I'm glad you could go! :)