LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Blankenship Blast

On Monday morning we headed out for a trip to Western Virginia, Abington.  It is the home of one of Brad’s bosses.  Well, his two homes actually! We knew we were excited and thankful to go but we didn’t realize how much fun we would have and how beautiful this trip would be.  We really felt privileged to be there after we took in all of God’s scenery around us. I had met Brach (the boss) before but I met his wife Jen and there three boys, Alex, Noah and Taylor.  Taylor and Bradley are the same age and immediately gravitated towards each other and after that they were off on their own.  The two oldest just fit right alongside Gavin and Easton as if they were letting them be their little shadows. When we arrived we ate lunch with them and immediately changed to go to the Lake across from their mountain house.  They own a second home on the water.  They have all the water “toys” to go with this home and it was so much fun!


These were the blue ridge mountains behind us.  See what I mean, breathtaking! This was the view everywhere you turned and the pictures don’t do it justice.

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Easty became the captain right away!





Brad wakeboarding.  Like we haven’t all seen this before!


Bradley is not as much a fish like his father yet.  He hasn’t grown up 100% around the water like Brad or these three boys are doing.  I was surprised when he got on the raft behind the boat.  His face looked a little scared but then Alex started making “chicken” motions and sounds (I know) but Bradley got tough and joined in and laughed instead of being sad.  He ended up loving it and wanting to “go faster!”




We took a stop at Cliff Island to jump.  Bradley did not go for it but since it wasn't as big as the one at Lake Keowee, I decided to give it a whirl.  A whirl I did! I make it look so painful and the opposite of fun or graceful.  Haha! I blame Jen, she’s not used to my camera! ;)

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Gavin and Bradley at the point of the boat.



I am needing to find the right sunscreen for Easton’s face.  It is getting in his eyes and he is having allergic reactions.  Blotchy, watery stuff.  My poor Bubbas was such a trooper and loved the water!

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They had another water toy. Wave surfing.  You hold a rope at first and then once you position yourself you surf the wake the boat is making and throw the rope on board.  Crazy! Go figure Brad was a natural.  Check out the view behind him.  It looks like one of those superimposed pictures you get at carnivals at the beach.





The boys at the marina! They kind of got the jist of what I was going for here, haha!

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The next morning.  Some downtime before more adventures.  I caught them dancing to the music from “Marmaduke.”


This is their view from their living room.  They have lots of windows and a wrap around porch with lots of different views of the mountains and countryside.  Rolling hills and even the neighbors let their cows out to graze! 


You can spot the lake we were on in both pictures. 


On Tuesday afternoon we drove to the next town, loaded up bikes with a shuttle company and we got dropped off at the top of the mountain.  We rode 17 miles down the mountain to get back to where we parked our car at the shuttle company.  Those 17 miles also had views that would not stop! Most of the Creeper Trail which is what we biked was shaded and breezy from the mountain creek water that ran alongside it.  Going downhill in shade and with breeze.  That is my kind of ride!


Starting Point.


The small town of Green Cove you pass through. 


Oh and Brad did not bike with me.  I biked with Brach.  In fact Brach towed Bradley on the bike and Gavin and Easton in the carriage thing. I don't know why I did not get a picture of him.  It was a sight to see.  It was his bike then attached to that was a mini bike for kids.  Bradley peddled but yet did no work.  Then attached to Bradley’s bike they attached Gavin and Easton.  One long contraption! A beast! Where was Brad?  He ran the trail instead of riding.  Show off! He couldn’t really get a good time since I was constantly making him stop when he would pass us or we would pass him for a picture.



By 12 miles…they were OVER it!

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Stopping at one of the creeks for Gavin to throw rocks, Easton to trip on rocks and Bradley to climb on rocks.

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The king of his own world! Love it!


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When we got to the bottom of the trail of course there was an ice cream shop right there! After 17 miles it was a must! We met up with Jen and the boys for dinner at an old Creek Mill turned into a restaurant.  We ate dinner over the roar of the waterfall which was perfect because it muffled the roars of 6 hungry boys.


Baby chicks.


Feeding the ducks at the falls.


When we got back to their home we had a bonfire and roasted smores.


Proof he is not perfect at everything.  Brad, your marshmallow is on fire!

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The next day the dads took the boys out on the boat and Jen and I just paddle boarded and drank our lime-a-rita’s relaxing on the dock.  Late that afternoon we said our good bye’s and drove home. 


It was such a fantastic time and hopefully having young boys around that accidentally poop on their floor after bath or Gavin peeing in their dogs food dish didn’t make them think twice about inviting us over again. We are a crazy family but I think they understood as they have BEEN THERE! Hopefully!


Liz said...

Looks like a great time! You are stunning, as always! Happy to have you home though.

Nicole said...

What a fun trip! We have family in Abingdon but it's been years since I've visited!! Looks like a great place to get away and relax in the beauty of the mountains!