LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Easton @ 20 months

Our little Easty Bubbas is 20 months old as of August 16th.


I couldn’t even tell you how big he is since his last doctors check up.  He is still in 24 months clothes.  He just moved from size 4 to size 5 shoes.

I do know that his hair is still as curly cued as ever! Just one of the many things that add to his charming self.


These days he is loving cartoons more, the outdoors, he loves to climb and I have caught him swinging and doing acrobatics from tables and chairs in the house.  He has no fear when it comes to the edges of pools and playgrounds.  He will walk right up and jump off if I wasn’t there.  He tries at the park all the time and my heart literally sinks in my stomach.  As for the pool we have remedied that by just letting him JUMP.  We try to make family days of it at the indoor pool and Easton loves to jump to us and float and go under.


I can’t believe how big he is getting and maturing into ALL things toddler and boy (not baby anymore) so quickly. 

It would be nice to take a zero off, rewind time and see the little two month old again. Slow Down Please!


He is saying “No” a lot and he still throws his food.  He will even swat at you when he’s angry.  He has even been known to stick up for his brothers by telling us “No” when they are getting in trouble or swatting at me when they are getting in trouble.  I swear I am not going to know what to do with all their testosterone together one day.


He is still sucking his thumb and more recently he is putting his other hand down his pants.  I told Brad we need to get him to stop sucking his thumb and he said, I quote, “No, we don’t! What’s cuter than Easton with his thumb in his mouth and his hand on his junk.”  I don’t know Brad, let’s think?! hmmmmm.  A lot of things are cuter than that! The things I deal with around here. This phase will pass but for now I am putting him in as many rompers that will still fit him so he has no access.  Even his pajamas are one piece.  I also can no longer lay him down with just a diaper.  He has figured out a few months ago how to take that off.  I have set him on the toilet a few times but he just sits there and nothing happens.


Currently he is really into reading books.  Right when he wakes up he gets down and says “book” and hands me one to read.  Then he plops down in my lap. I guess it is a good thing because he really is in a “sponge” phase.  He is saying new words left and right these days.  As much as he learns new words it is still always nice and so sweet to hear that baby babbling he does while talking or playing.  He has a lot to say in his sweet little voice!


One of his fears right now is dogs barking.  He likes dogs and is intrigued by them but is also a little scared of them.  So he has been seen walking up to a friends dog and petting them and then immediately crying a running away if they move in the slightest.

He is just so great, easy going, happy go lucky…..…until he’s not! He will let you know when he’s had it.


So, that’s it for now.  We’ve had it until 21 months (If Mommy remembers)!

As I am typing this Jacks Big Music Show is on and Easton is stomping his feet to the beat and I can hear him say “Dum diddy Dum de dum de dum day!”


Liz said...

Oh my sweet Easty! Happy 20 months, and I can't believe that he is up on that shelf, haha! He would be the only one that you could put up there cause he's so easy going. Love him!

The Marsh's said...

Awww what a sweet post!!! Brad's quote is hilarious, definitely sounds like something that would come out of Alan's mouth! Happy 20 months're growing up SO fast!