LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm gonna miss these days….

So, in this past month I have been lucky to have time to update our blog but my days have still been a whirlwind.  I really am just winging this mommy of 3 thing and am definitely in survival mode.  I think I may stay here for a while and I am OK with that because I know these beautiful boys of mine wont be young forever and like the country song says, “your gonna miss these days.” One day there won’t be one crying and one screaming and the dog barking! Wait, we don’t have a dog! Thank God I don’t have a dog right now! I trip over toys but one day I will want those toys back if it means I can go back to this point in time where chaos is combined with cuddles!   So, no complaints here!  Actually, there were some toys that I did not trip over yesterday because they were in our air vent.  Our little Gavin is his own “whirlwind” or more like a tornado.  I pulled out of the air vent hole in Bradley’s room a whole deck of Go Fish, 2 wrestlers, a dragon, a knight, a tennis ball, a pirate, a remote control to a car and Bullseye from Toy Story!  I also think on a daily basis I do like 10 diaper changes between Gavin and Easton.  This is my life and I wouldn’t change anything about it right now…except maybe get a maid a personal trainer and a Chef! There I go day dreaming again since I don’t get enough sleep at night. 

Anyways, here are some random pictures of the days I will one day miss!


Birthday party days!  Bradley went to his friend Jordan’s birthday party this past Saturday.  This is fresh on my mind as I need to get in planning mode for his.  He already told me all his friends and the kid list is at 25! Who knew that I had such a popular boy!  He also wants a Batman theme. 




Shoulder days! One day these boys wont be able to fit on Daddy’s shoulders anymore.  They may even be bigger than there Daddy one day!


Naked days!  Lately, I have been letting the boys run around naked before bath.  Don’t ask me why…it just happened by default since Gavin always escapes and the tradition just stuck. 



Together Days! Our three sons hanging out together.  One day they will all have their own lives and wont be with each other on a daily basis. 




two girls, a boy and a blog said...

I know...the days go by too fast! Wish we were there so the kids could grow up together! Miss you Emily!! Give my nephews kisses for me! They are very beautiful boys:-)

Nicki said...

I love this post...and you're so right. When we feel stressed and like we just need a break, we have to remember these days are going to go by so quickly and we're going to be begging to get them back. So glad to see the new pictures - your boys are just adorable!

The Marsh's said...

I'm assuming I'll have to kick into survival mode with just 2...I can't imagine doing it with 3! You sound great though, handling it like a champ, of course!

The Steinhauser Family said...

Your right, these days are just so precious!! We have to cherish every moment-even the sleepless nights ;) Your boys are adorable & you sound like your doing an awesome job with the 3 of them!

lauramarkey said...

Gosh Your family is just beautiful! And from the outside looking in, you look like super mom! I dont know how u do it. But with three lil ones you still manage to have a beautiful home, you kids are all dressed so cute, and you look amazing! Plus your blog and all your cute mommy stuff you get done! Your boys are going to be so proud of you one day when they see the love you have poured into everything you do with them! And you are so right, it dawned on me on Jordans bday that she isnt a baby anymore. I cant believe how fast time flies! It may go by fast but trust me, your boys will grow up to cherish there lovely mother!! I hope when i have more lil ones ill be able to keep up :) <3<3<3

Liz said...

So sweet! You are a fab Mommy. And just like I told you yesterday... you need a cupcake for all that stuff you do! I'll get on that and bring it to you before yoga tomorrow. Wait... is it bad to eats sweets before you workout? ;)