LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Monday, January 24, 2011

15 months

Our Gavin Wavin turned 15 months old on the 21st. I had thought to myself for a week that I wanted to do a post on that actual day but of course once it got here, I forgot.

Gavin is without a doubt a handful but he makes it SO worth it. His little personality is silly, aggressive, fearless, mischievous and loud mixed in with a lot of lovable sweetness. These days like I mentioned before he is into everything. He runs, climbs, jumps, falls and face plants it everyday. He is just non stop! There isn't a day that goes by that we are shooing him out of rooms to shut the door so he wont tear everything apart or the opposite. Gating him in one room to keep the disaster contained. He keeps us on our toes and guessing what’s next but we LOVE every second of it.

He is in 18-24 month clothes and he wears size 6 diapers now and will be there until he potty trains since there is nowhere to go from there. He is getting all four of his molars in. Well, one still is slower than the rest so that means he is STILL drooling! He has a total of 12 teeth now.

He is such a GREAT eater, not picky at all. His favorite foods right now are probably eggs, bananas and any bread product and of course his fat free milk. Keeping it real by keeping it skinny! We still have him drinking that since he doesn’t spit it up like other milk products.

His progression with speaking I wish was more but they say that sometimes the second child can do that since the first child talks for them. Which is probably the case since Bradley is always saying “Gavin wants this and Gavin that…” The few things he does say is Mommy, Daddy, bye-bye, uh-oh, ball, car, baby, Bradley (pronounced bah-buh) and he says faaahhhfrohhh which is Gavin talk for Farting Frog. Yes, this is definitely a boy house and you hear the farting frog a lot around hear! Brad also claims he said “ duct tape” once repeating him. He also makes most all of his basic animal sounds. We can’t wait to hear what funny things he comes up with next.


From 4 months above to 15 months below, look at you GROW!

Hugs & Kisses Gavin Wavin Chunky Funny Boy!



Liz said...

Aww, we love you big boy! Happy 15 months!

The Marsh's said...

First of all I LOVE your new header and background...very cute!!

Happy 15 months to gavin! I can't believe how big he's getting (size 6 diaper??) and I'm sure Bradley is talking enough for the both of them! Our poor little girl will probably never get a word in with Ryder around!

lauramarkey said...

Aww yay!! happy 15 months! so sweet!

-oh and i am postin her bday, my computer has been giving me trouble lately! But really soon. Oh and this may sound dumb but how do you invite people to look at it? im having trouble with that :) lol
<3 Laura

two girls, a boy and a blog said...

we love you "GABIN" hehehe, Madelyn and Isabella miss their cousins:-)