LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Friday, January 28, 2011

big bother, little bother…I mean BROTHER!

Have you ever seen that cartoon, Olivia, where she calls one of her brothers her little “bother.” She feels he is always getting into all of her things and in general is just a big annoyance! Well, I must say that does happen around here now with the age and dynamics of these three little red heads! After all, you do have to watch out for the red heads they say! This is all OK because they love each other and if they stop doing the bothering than they have probably stopped loving. I know that is how I grew up with two older brothers and I am sure all of us with siblings have felt “so loved” when we were getting annoyed or being called a name. Well, maybe not right then but deep down inside we knew and then when your family follows it up by telling you they love you all the bothering makes sense. Besides, it is all just part of growing up! Bradley is already very good at telling his two little brothers he loves them! Here they are being the best “bothers” to each other….


Gavin’s thinking, “Hey, this is my changing table…jump yourself back down and let me drink!”

Bradley- “Oh Gavin I just love you so much I just want to squeeze the heck out of you!”


Bradley recently had a bag full of toys taken from his room and he can earn them back at the end of this week after we see how good he does cleaning up everyday. He has done Great by the way. Meanwhile, Gavin found the bag! Bradley was very annoyed at this discovery that he was playing with HIS toys!


Gavin wasn’t annoyed though, he was too busy being the bother this time! He totally knew he had hit the jackpot and got all the toys to himself.


Daddy gave them both chem lights and this was really fun having bath time in the dark. They both annoyed each other several times during this sword fight.



Easton is not too sure about this big bother. He can’t even put my paci in right!


Thanks other big bother, that’s better!


This one is sweet, Gavin ended up redeeming himself and showing Easton he loves him with a gentle love tap.


Then that flew out the window when he crushed him. Oops! (Don’t worry, no babies were actual hurt during the creation of this blog!)


Easton still doesn’t know how to play this game yet but I am sure he will be taught by the best! The only thing he does to bother his two big brothers is take their Mommy’s time!

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I wonder what these innocent faces will do to each other next?


Nicki said...

So cute! I can't wait to experience the "sibling dynamic" in my own house.

McNab Family said...

There such happy little boys!! Always Smiling!!

The Marsh's said...

LOL your house seems so full of fun!! Always something exciting going on i'm sure :)

The Steinhauser Family said...

I know exactly what show your talking about lol!!!! I'm sure they keep you on your toes :) But I agree with Brandy - your house seems so fun!

two girls, a boy and a blog said...

Cutie boys!!! I love them:-) Kisses and hugs and snuggles from Aunt Devon!!!