LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Still Nothing

Well, I mentioned in my last post that we have not been up to much lately and things remain the same.  These boys still manage to give me some picture material to work with. 

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I said he was a climber.  Bradley walked away and left his milkshake and french fries unattended.  New House Rule: Don’t leave food on the table if you aren’t sitting there! We used to be able to just push it to the middle out of his reach.

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Brad and I caught Easton doing a new thing.  Smiling at himself in the mirror on his swing.  He is so sweet!

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006 - Copy He did it again! This time to get to Easton.  We used to put him on the table so Gavin wouldn’t hit him if he was on the floor but now, nowhere is safe! He was sweet to him this time.  

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011 - Copy Table surfing! A new sport in our house. 

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Yesterday Brad brought home a bow and arrow set for Bradley.  Here is one of the arrows.  Luckily they just have suction cups on the end. 

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Gavin looking for “Puppeeees.”  We are watching Mickey and Mary right now for Liz and the boys are very intrigued.  I have been hit with the dog question again by Brad and Bradley.  My answer is still NO for right now!

Since there isn’t a picture of Bradley this time, here are some new things he is up to.  He is really been interested in helping me in the kitchen a lot lately.  We made spaghetti one night and he has helped me make eggs for breakfast.  He is also really into lions and tigers lately more than ever.  He gets into a role of a royal lion and wears his Hercules robe while roaring and walking on all fours.  We let him watch LION KING for the first time and he was mesmerized. 

Well, that’s the Woodward Word……. Peace!


Diana said...

"Woodward Word", that's so cute! Gavin is too funny with him and his climbing!

Nicki said...

Gavin is so cute how he climbs on everything!! And Easton is getting so big! It's still crazy to me how much alike all three of your boys look :). They're all so sweet!

two girls, a boy and a blog said...

I just want to EAT gavin up!!!!! He is sooo flipping cute and mischevious;-)

Lindsay said...

So cute! I love the pictures of Easton smiling at himself! :)

Liz said...

Those boys are so funny, and I love the pic of Gavin peeking at the dogs. I agree, your answer should still be NO, ha! You can always borrow either one of mine when the boys need a doggie fix! ;) Thanks for everything!

Caleb's mom said...

they are so stinkin cute!

sherry.rison said...

Emily, Here is the etsy site that I got that sign for Nicki. --Sherry

The Marsh's said...

The Woodward're a mess! Love the pictures of those sweet boys, Gavin is all over the place these days!