LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Boys being boys, school performance, yard sale, legs and rolls

A lot of news to share and catch up on so there are a lot of pictures! Lets get started with the boys being boys.  I keep this tunnel under the couch for easy access and Gavin loves to get it.  Here he is shining when Bradley is not around.  He likes that special time with Mommy and Daddy every now and then.  Bradley always gets them both in trouble! Really, he does! He instigates, so Gavin likes to just PLAY sometimes without a care.

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Daddy and the boys doing the shopping cart.  This one was not Bradley instigating.  This was all Daddy’s doing. 




Bradley had his Spring Performance for school on Thursday evening.  The theme…..



We were very proud of him as he hit every move and sang his little heart out. 


His instrument was the bells!


Most of the Class. 


This one is funny because you can see his teacher holding up 3 and he is holding up 4 fingers. 

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What a little man he is becoming!


There were cookies after and we took some for the car ride.  Gavin obviously couldn’t wait until we got home! Our Chunkers! We say that with love.


Today we had the anticipated Yard Sale combined with Mike & Liz at our house.  It was very successful I would say! We both made enough money to hit up Sizzler a few times.  That was Brad’s joke on what we are going to do with our earnings. 


Bradley & Sophia sold Lemonade.  Their first experience unfortunately was not profitable.  I can’t believe that people didn’t look at these faces and want a glass! How rude! So, us parents all bought a glass and it was nice to have them pour our drinks for once!


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Eventually this is what they looked like and they were OVER it. 


Here is our heaps and mounds of stuff. 


We didn’t plan it but we were both wearing very similar clothes.  Both in our black running pants too.  You know the ones we walk in!

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Now onto the rolls and legs part. 

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Easton is officially rolling over both ways and he is now in that phase where they start to bend in half more and eat their feet.  He hasn’t put one in his mouth yet but you can see he is eyeing them toes and thinking maybe one day!


This was the perfect way to end my day.  Seeing this!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lunch with the Girls

Today I had lunch with two wonderful friends, Kate and Gigi and their adorable daughters Tegan and Charlotte! Gigi and Charlotte moved to Florida last year from here and are back for a visit. It was so great to catch up. Easton loved having lunch with the girls!

One cute spoonfull, or handfull! Whatever!

Charlote says, "Easton likes pink star stickers!"

( I dont know what happened there with the captions)

Monday, April 25, 2011

My Own Cone, Girlfriends & Easter

Happy Belated Easter or rather Happy Resurrection! The day was great but I really was not on my game for Easter! Anyways, let’s start with Thursday…..


Gavin got his own Ice Cream cone for the first time! He sat down with Bradley and did great and ate it ALL!!

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Friday I met up with Sophia and her Grandma and we took the kids to Fun Gym! She has most of the pictures and she took most of my Easter pictures too! With Easton in my arms I am thankful I have people who love documenting these red headed boys for me!



Saturday, Bradley and I went to a friends place of business she is starting.  A Drop In Day Care.  It will be the first one in our town.  She wanted Bradley to be the model along with her daughter to use the pictures for advertising. 



Easter morning was great seeing Bradley’s reaction! The Easter Bunny left the baskets in the bathtub so Bradley wouldn’t get into it on his own at 5 am when he wakes up! He thought it was neat finding his and Gavin’s basket!



His Favorite!


Gavin was more interested in Bradley’s basket!


He dropped his bottle and left his basket unattended to go see what Bradley was getting!



His first umbrella!


Gavin loves Jelly Beans!

After Church we went to the Salvog’s for Easter dinner.  It was nice to be able to combine our dishes and have one wonderful meal and to be with friends you love!


Easton was in an extremely strange mood.  He actually would not let me feed him for over 7 hours.  he would scream and turn red when I tried to nurse him.  Brad ended up having to give him formula and he wouldn’t even let me feed him the bottle! Only Daddy! Thankfully he snapped out of it and is back to loving Mommy!

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Easter Egg hunt!


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