LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Library Playdate

Yesterday we were headed to the park when the weather took a turn and started to rain.  So, we went to the public library instead.  These days it doesn't matter where the connection happens, it just needs to happen! Bradley and Sophia ask for each other on a daily basis and Bradley will actually get very whiney if he doesn't get his daily dose of Pia.  Gavin stayed home for his morning nap with Daddy while we did this so I put some pictures of him at the end of what he was up to this morning!

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Chase learning  eating his shapes!

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Puzzles.  We did read two books at the end too!



Chase cruising.



Easton hanging out with mommy.


The playdate was so much fun that it made Easton tired!


So sweet taking his nap! Do you think he’s comfortable?

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Today.  Good Morning!


Good morning Gavin, nice to see you fed yourself breakfast!  He already ate and still got into Bradley’s plate he had left unoccupied.  Bradley doesn’t like to sit at the table to eat and Gavin could sit their all day for food. 



The Marsh's said...

Gavin is a mess, he is just so content in his own little world! Bradley & Sophia are the cutest BFF's ever!

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

Your little guys are so adorable! Such a beautiful family.

Lindsay said...

Easton's eyes are gorgeous!

Liz said...

These guys are so cute. Bradley and Pia are something else! So silly, but I love it. They are the truest of friends! Must have learned it from their fabulous Moms ;)