LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Boys being boys, school performance, yard sale, legs and rolls

A lot of news to share and catch up on so there are a lot of pictures! Lets get started with the boys being boys.  I keep this tunnel under the couch for easy access and Gavin loves to get it.  Here he is shining when Bradley is not around.  He likes that special time with Mommy and Daddy every now and then.  Bradley always gets them both in trouble! Really, he does! He instigates, so Gavin likes to just PLAY sometimes without a care.

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Daddy and the boys doing the shopping cart.  This one was not Bradley instigating.  This was all Daddy’s doing. 




Bradley had his Spring Performance for school on Thursday evening.  The theme…..



We were very proud of him as he hit every move and sang his little heart out. 


His instrument was the bells!


Most of the Class. 


This one is funny because you can see his teacher holding up 3 and he is holding up 4 fingers. 

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What a little man he is becoming!


There were cookies after and we took some for the car ride.  Gavin obviously couldn’t wait until we got home! Our Chunkers! We say that with love.


Today we had the anticipated Yard Sale combined with Mike & Liz at our house.  It was very successful I would say! We both made enough money to hit up Sizzler a few times.  That was Brad’s joke on what we are going to do with our earnings. 


Bradley & Sophia sold Lemonade.  Their first experience unfortunately was not profitable.  I can’t believe that people didn’t look at these faces and want a glass! How rude! So, us parents all bought a glass and it was nice to have them pour our drinks for once!


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Eventually this is what they looked like and they were OVER it. 


Here is our heaps and mounds of stuff. 


We didn’t plan it but we were both wearing very similar clothes.  Both in our black running pants too.  You know the ones we walk in!

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Now onto the rolls and legs part. 

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Easton is officially rolling over both ways and he is now in that phase where they start to bend in half more and eat their feet.  He hasn’t put one in his mouth yet but you can see he is eyeing them toes and thinking maybe one day!


This was the perfect way to end my day.  Seeing this!


Lindsay said...

I could seriously just eat Easton up. Those chunky legs are adorable! :)

Liz said...

I love how we match, and so do the boys!, ha

It was a great day, and I'm glad we made some extra cash.... "Tell yo friends!!" LOL!! Come to think of it, that "exotic" woman never came back, huh? The kids looks so cute for the 5 minutes they were selling lemonade.

Those boys are just adorable. I love them like they were my own. Oh, and we need to use those pants for walking this week. The Easter candy is getting to me!

The Marsh's said...

Look at those legs!! That lemonade stand is so adorable!! I can't believe no one bought any though...that's messed up!