LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dentist Day

This morning Bradley had his third ( I think) dentist visit and Daddy took him this time.  Both times prior the dentist has been able to get the job done but it has been with some whining, being scared and sitting on my lap in the chair.  Amazingly, this visit was different.  Imagine THAT!! With Daddy the world is a better place and life is easy.  Brad even took my camera and blamed it on me saying “My wife is making me take pictures since she forgot his first time.” I told him to blame it on me for looking crazy and he said before he left “Of course I’m going to.” Thanks, Babe! Anyways, I am thankful Brad took the pictures even if it was all my fault and I can’t complain that he didn’t get a picture of Bradley’s name on the “No Cavity Club” board.  It’s his first club how could he forget a picture of that, haha!  The Dentist was amazed at how well he did and even told Brad that there was a 7 year old in the next room that wouldn’t even open his mouth and Bradley was an amazing patient to work on.  I however, will wait and see if all of this holds true when I have to take him back by myself.  I’m not going to hold my breath since I’m not Daddy! I have hope though!

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Holding a big tooth mirror.   Can’t you just feel the enthusiasm radiating off him! At least he was behaved and sat still. 

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Showing off his clean pearly whites and once home he told me about all his “treats” for being a good boy!


Also a BQOTD over lunch….

Bradley: “I don’t want to eat the peach skins!”

Me : “Bradley, just eat the skins!!!!!!”

Bradley: “But, I don’t want to cuz they’ll make me       skinny.”

Skins making you skinny, get it!! What a knee slapper.  He did eat all his peaches with skins included.

He also tries to tell a knock knock joke now that Daddy taught him.  The “orange you glad I didn’t say banana!” joke.  However, he forgot it and says it like this….

“Knock Knock”

“Who’s there?”


“Orange Who?”

“Orange Bradley!”

Then he just busts out laughing and is thrilled with his joke!

We are headed to the lake house tomorrow to hang out with some of the family.  I am so excited to see everyone and we get to meet our nephew Holden.  I may decide to just post everything once home!


The Kmieciak's said...

YAY Bradley for being apart of the "No Cavity Club"! Such a big boy! That's funny about Brad taking pics. He gets major props for that! Have a fun and safe trip to the lake!

The Marsh's said...

LOL isn't it crazy how different these boys are when daddy's around?! I'm so proud of Brad for taking pictures though...I'm not confident that alan would have followed through on that one for me. He would have taken the camera just to shut me up, but come back with some big excuse why he wasn't able to take any pictures! haha