LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


We celebrated Brad’s birthday yesterday.  Nothing too fancy since it was during the week but it was definitely special.  Bradley made this card for him from just him and Gavin.  He told me exactly where to put the stickers and what to write and even drew him a picture of birthday balloons and the balloon pump! Since, you can’t leave that out.  We also got him a TCBY frozen yogurt cake with not nearly enough CANDLES but it was mainly for Bradley because he was so excited it was his Daddy’s Birthday and we had to participate in all the traditions.  Brad doesn’t eat desert so I will probably be the only one eating it.  After this little party Brad and I left the boys with the sitter and went out to dinner.  We ended up getting our dinner for free and a gift certificate on top of that! What a lucky Birthday! We never even complained but the manager came over on his own since he knew they were slammed and we were getting slow service.  I had planned to treat Brad but now I still have my shopping money!

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This was before we left for our date.  This is the belly shot everyone has been yelling at me for.  I did the “prom pose” so you could see it.  You can’t miss it anyways though!  I am 28 weeks so in my third trimester this week.  The home stretch feels good.  Baby boy is healthy and I am now taking additional iron pills with O.J. everyday.  With all three of my pregnancies I have tested anemic.  Which explains the lightheadedness and actually seeing SPOTS sometimes.  We still have no name OFFICIALLY but when we do it will be a secret.  I have given Brad a Halloween deadline because I have a lot of personalized things I want to order for Christmas! I am already planning and have purchased a few Christmas gifts.  Haven’t You?!  After Gavin’s Birthday it is game ON!  Anyways,  Merry Christmas, I mean Happy 28th Birthday Babe! I love You Bucketsfull!


tiffabbey said...

You look amazing...such a pretty pregnant woman! I love it!
Happy Bday to your man!

The Baldwin Family said...

love the prom pose!! I was looking through a yearbook the other day and you had an ad in the back for Brad and told him "I love you bucketsfull." Goes WAY back! Love it!

The Kmieciak's said...

Happy Birthday Brad! Tell Brad it's crunch time for picking a name because my nephew better have a stocking with his name on it just in time for Christmas so "he be hung by the chimney with care with his red hair!" That was so funny!

The Marsh's said...

Yayyy a belly pic! You are the most beautiful pregnant woman ever!
Eww I remember feeling lightheaded and seeing spots and had to go on iron pills too! Not fun, but so glad baby #3 is happy & healthy :)

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

You look adorable and happy birthday Brad.

Jamie Claudia said...

You look GREAT!!! I hope I look that awesome if I have a baby #3 one day ;) I LOVEed the birthday card, so cute!!! Tell Brad Happy Birthday from the Gautier's :)