LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I Thee Wed….

Friday marked the day that my sister in law’s sister, my friend, Laura, got married!!!  I am so very happy for her in her happiness.  Everything about the day was beautiful and romantic.  Once you are married you appreciate weddings more and I loved to hear all the vows again.  In my mind I went back to my own wedding day and the magic of it all and you can’t help but walk away smiling and filled with love.  Here are some photos of the beautiful event at the Duke Mansion with most of my beautiful family.  We opted for the no children at wedding version so Brad stayed home with the boys so I could enjoy it and I got to spend quality time with my family.


Aubrey, the sweet flower girl.




Mommy with her flower girl


The bride ready for the isle…


Grammy and her Aubrey


Jackson and Aubrey made a wonderful team!


Jackson looking back to check on Aubrey, he was so sweet with her!


The sun was in her eyes but she did so good. 


I love how everyone is smiling at her in the background.


Father of the Bride walking Laura down the isle. 

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Exchanging their Vows.  The Pastor did two cups of wine and then they each poured their wine into one glass.  I had never seen this before but I loved the symbolism of two becoming one and that you can not tell what started in Laura’s glass or what started in Ralph’s.  


You may kiss your Bride!


So happy in Love!  Married at Last!


After the ceremony their was a beautiful courtyard where all the guests were invited for cocktails until the reception.  I took some shots of Livi looking so cute.  After all what little sister doesn’t like to steal the spot light sometimes. 




Isn’t she so adorable!! The little girl I will never have is what I call her!


The courtyard.


Joanie adoring her man, my Bubba!

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Jackson has some moves.  Ladies watch out!


The front of the historic Mansion.


Andrew and his family.


My grandma! A picture with some of her leading men.






Lastly, a picture with Laura.

Congratulations Laura and Ralph!


Liz said...

Glad you had fun and got to spend time with your family. You look beautiful Miss Preggers! You will be the Queen in your house!

The Marsh's said...

Your pictures came out beautiful!!! And how dare you cut the belly out of the last picture...I think it's time to post a belly pic now that you left us with that little tease!

tiffabbey said...

Beautiful pictures!!

The Kmieciak's said...

Your pics turned out so much better than mine. I'm stealing them. The wedding was wonderful, but most of all we had a great time spending time with our fam! Love ya and miss ya!