LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The start of soccer

Bradley started his first day of the mini kickers soccer today.  It is just a little 6 week once a day thing to get them accustomed to the sport at a young age and having fun.  I need to go back to the weekend though.  After the wedding my bro and his family came home with us and I love them so much I can’t leave out all the fun we had.  Saturday we took the kids to the park for playing and SOCCER, what else! We all had so much fun.


My sweet niece Aubrey


Could this boy be any more of a wild mess?


Then they both wanted to try the fireman pole.  There are no words!!


Bradley actually attempted it with Daddy’s help.




By the look on both of their faces, I don’t think they will be doing that for a while.  Bradley didn’t like it because it really does burn your hands. 

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Then we headed over to kick the soccer ball around.  Gavin and Livi just hung out.  Gavin was intrigued and Livi, well, she just stays pretty!



Aubrey is so cute with her run playing soccer. 

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Gavin discovered the scary bleachers.  Those things are not kid friendly but he was determined to walk all over them.

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Then we checked out some hockey players.  Livi was not letting go of this fence for dear life!   Then Sunday they had to go home but before we tried to get a picture of the 4 kids together.  It turned out a little like this…..

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All of them were not having it!

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Olivia started crawling away so we had the big kids hold the babies…


Cute right? 


Just sit still and say “Cheese” Gavin!

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Now on to Monday.  Gavin has found this white contraption before but today he danced in it and did some surfing!


Now for the first soccer ever! This was a big day today.  Our first child playing his first sport.  I plan to be spending a lot of my life on fields and in bleachers.  Soccer, football, baseball.  Maybe even on mats for wrestling!  Which, consequently was very much like my whole childhood.  I got dragged to all games of my two older brothers! Funny this thing called life, always changing yet always the same.  Anyways, Bradley Bear you did so GREAT!! We need to work on the whole climbing out of his shell and not mouth breathing (haha) but all in all he did so good and we are so proud of him.  He had a lot of fun and for now that’s all that matters.  Until all that matters is WINNING!!


Sporting his first cleats and shin guards.


Picking his nose and checking it out! Nice (sarcasm here)!


Proud Papa Bear watching over him and listening.

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Not to enthused about all the drills. 


Third one from the left in Resting Position. 

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One of the coaches trying to get him to start playing again.  We discovered after he may be a little under the weather which would explain some of his behavior.  I sure hope he isn’t sick! I look forward to seeing how he does next week! Soccer Mom is ready!


The Marsh's said...

The pictures of the cousins are soooo adorable! That little Livi is absolutely precious!

Bradley looks like a natural out there on the field :)

Nicki said...

With 3 boys, I bet the sports fields become your second home :). Hope Bradley's feeling better!

The Kmieciak's said...

The pics sure are classic of Aubs on the pole and Gavin on the dishwasher. Hehe! I can't believe you actually posted the one of Aubs, it might be used as blackmail one day on her. Just kidding! The pictures of the cousins make me smile because they sure do love each other and they had a blast being together! Aubs misses her Bradley and plays" The Running Game" all the time now. Oh, and I love your new soccer mom status especially with that cutie soccer star of yours:) Hope he feels better soon!

Karen Reitz-Wood said...

Soccer! So exciting. We are all officially Soccer Mom's now! : )

Liz said...

Glad Bradley had fun! He looks very dashing in his soccer cleats and shin guards. I hope he feels better. Sophia came home from school today with a little cough too.

tiffabbey said...

He looks like a natural on the field! I hope he keeps it up.

I didn't get to say HI...but you did get a photo of me and Ayla...4th photo from the end...she's sitting in my lap pouting. HAHA!

Ayla started and quit all in the same day...funny girl!

Have fun!!