LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Milestone Maker

Gavin hit a milestone marker this weekend.  There are only a few I keep track of and this is one of them.  He pulled himself all the way up into stand position! Yeah!  He did this Friday evening……


Then on Sunday night I caught him standing up in his crib for the first time, so that was the second time and I didn’t snap a picture that late at night but I did today when I opened the door and found this after nap…..





He is so thrilled with this new found position and next is taking steps and walking.  You are getting so big and doing so great our Gavin Wavin.  Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!

BFF weekend and blogger friends past

Shannon and her daughter Ava were here over the weekend and we had a wonderful time hanging out, relaxing, catching up and our favorite past time drinking coffee together after staying the night but it was a little different with the kids! As suspected! Shannon and I have been friends since elementary school and we were both in each others weddings.  Its nice to still be able to call her my best friend even though distance can make it hard we will always be there for each other.  They got here late Friday night so it was straight to bed but Saturday was jammed packed fun.  I got a babysitter for Gavin and we went to see Woody, Buzz and the whole gang.  You know what I’m talking about- Toy Story 3!  Then after lunch and naps we went bowling and out to dinner.



Ava loved Gavin!


Playing and waiting to leave for the movie


Bradley loved his glasses and his new Buzz shirt.  He has been wearing the glasses every day since. These two loved the movie and were dancing up and down to the credits at the end. 


He looks like a little Sci-fi nerd, so funny but so cute!


Then it was off to Bowling.  Bradley has been a few times before but this was Ava’s first time.009

and she Loved it.  She jumped up and down for joy every time she rolled the ball. 


Who knows what he is thinking? Look at the cool dude shorts he picked out to wear with his shirt.  He was a graphic mess!


Then Sunday morning the kids played outside for like 3 hours before they had to get back on the road home.  Ava’s first slip and slide but she loved this too!


And of course I did not get a picture of Shannon and I so I thought I would reminisce….


We thought we were so CUTE getting professional

JC Penney’s pictures taken in 8th grade. 


Then since I didnt get a picture of Brandy and I when she came to visit here it is.  Henson Harmony Babes!


Then can you find your blogger friends?  Its me and Brandy at the top and Diana on the left.


Diana you didn’t think you were getting off the hook.


You are so Not! These were taken at one of my birthday parties from middle school. Go Diana!


Lastly, from high school, Patty its your turn! Another blogger friend.  You were and all are great friends!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Dreams, Talking and Fetch?

Just a few pictures that I wanted to share with Brad so here they are for all of you too! My BFF Shannon and her daughter Ava are coming to visit us tonight for the weekend so I will have more great pictures after teh weekend and of our movie matinee date tomorrow.


Gavin fell asleep feeding himself his own bottle for bed.

My Poor Baby!


Bradley being a puppy and making me play fetch with him. A new weird phase he is in.

He actually ruffs conversations to me and I have to tell him I don't speak Puppy!

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Talking to Daddy on the phone just today! They were having a very intense conversation, cant you tell. They are repaving our road in front of our house and he was telling daddy about the "work constructors" instead of construction workers! Love It! The BQOTD from yesterday was "Mommy your a good car driver!" as I was driving him to camp. My little back seat driver.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ordinary is in the Unordinary

These are some pictures from this past week and as I was looking at my children do the crazy and cute things they do I realized I am NOT your average mom and we are not your typical family.  Boys will be boys and I am a mom of boys that has adapted to that and is trying every day to learn what they need to thrive and how God made them unique.  Also, being married to the wonderful military husband that I am, I don’t think you can be normal in this lifestyle and it takes a special woman I think to be able to roll with the punches and change their lives often or be a single mom in essence, a lot (and I’m not just talking about me being that special woman, so many are).  I am however, a very easy going mom in many ways and here are just a few.  Don’t get me wrong I do cringe at some of these things but I pick my battles and let some of them happen.  Mainly in regard to Bradley but these pictures of Gavin are of his progress these days and all the fun he is having exploring.  He is 8 months now as of 2 days ago and he is saying “ma-ma” and “da-da” and “ba-ba” for his bottle. 



I let him fly like Superman off the kitchen table.



He skates in the house since its not dirty.


He takes blood baths.  Just kidding, it’s red bath crayons!


He eats on the table so he can have his legs out wrapped in his alien bath towel, not his blanket.


because these are things that make him happy!


Was I not supposed to give him the sharp corn holders? I did because he thought they were neat! This is believe it or not his first corn on the actual cob. 


He drags everything out, blankets, pillows and cushions to build forts and play. 

Now on to Gavin….


He loves sweet potato french fries!


He has been doing this for the past couple of weeks.  Trying to get leverage on small things to stand.


Then he got a little higher.


Then he did this!!!


Look, one hand!


Then I got our table back from a friend and although he hasn’t climbed up this yet.  He is in heaven standing!

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See, he LOVES it!

Lastly, I leave a BQOTD. 

“ Good job, You did It!  I like you Gavin and I like playing with you and I’m your best friend Gavin.”

He said this after he was so excited for him that he sat down from playing on his music table gracefully without falling. 

Saturday, June 19, 2010

To: daddy From: your super boys


Happy Fathers Day to our real live Superhero,

Superman showed us how to wear a cape, but super strength, integrity, honor, courage, how to have fun and loving to the fullest are all things we learned from you Daddy.

Heroes aren’t born, They’re made!

Thanks for being our Hero and making us into a Superman just like you one day. 


                                                      Your Super BOYS,

                                                       Bradley and Gavin



These two hero’s had a busy day saving the world and fighting off the bad guys so major picture overload!!!


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Have No Fear, Bradley is Here!

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Superhero’s shake their booty’s too!

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You don’t just get these muscles from reading the comics!

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To the rescue…..

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Its a bird, Its a Plane, Its….really a loud bird (haha!)

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Superman, AKA- Man of Steel

Bradley, AKA- Abs of Steel

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Call in the reinforcements, FAST!

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Here’s his reinforcement teammate! Sitting on the job!

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Bestest Brothers taking on the world together!

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“Love You Bro”

“Love You too little Bro”

This totally melts my Supermom heart!

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Every hero needs a hand every now and then.

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I will not rest until I save YOU!

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Two heroes coming together for one mission,

to wish you the BESTest Fathers Day Daddy!

We ALL  miss you bucketsfull and love you with all our Feet HEARTS!