LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Nothing Something

Here at our house we have been up to a whole lot of nothing but waiting on the big baby something to happen.   It is in those simple uneventful moments where I find some of my best joy!   My mom came to visit so Brad and I went out on a date to the classic dinner and a movie.  She is now back at my brothers house in Charlotte helping with Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow.  We are saying a prayer, throwing the baby car seat in and will be joining them tomorrow.  All set to deliver in a Charlotte hospital but I am not getting that feeling like I will.  I still have 12 days after turkey day until my due date!



One of my last few belly shots!


Gavin got some new shoes so I was letting him get used to them and I just love his little legs!


The sweetest thing!  Oh yes, and I can not forget to mention that Gavin is now 13 months old and he has officially said his FIRST WORD which is…..SIT! We don't treat him like a dog but he must hear us telling Bradley all the time at the table and he is also into backing his butt up on you and just sitting whenever he feels the need so we always acknowledge how cute that is so I am guessing that is how the word SIT came to be his first.   He always tried to form ball or car but never quite finished and sit is really easy but its kind a funny of what it sounds like he could be saying instead!  I would be the worst mom ever for that one. 


I had to document this.  Bradley has not liked feet pajamas for a while but he has some in his size and one night said he wanted to wear them.  I thought “Yes, perfect time for a cute Christmas pajama picture of the boys all in feet ones!” But…..Nope, he started undressing….

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I have been doing some online shopping to try to get ready for Christmas and not have to take the baby out a lot to shop.  Boys are always climbing on something!


We got our carpets cleaned since Gavin is pretty much not spitting up anymore it needed a good cleaning from all his many spots this past year.  So, we played in the backyard while our house was being taken over. 


Gavin ran around with a bat the whole time and was perfectly happy!


I tried to get some pictures of them and it ended up that the best ones are the ones trying.  Gavin just does not sit still. 


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Gavin laughing at Bradley while he swings him. 


There have been a lot of giggle fests lately too because the boys are both at a playful fun age!


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The Marsh's said...

Awwww I love your family! You guys just make me smile :) So glad to hear that Gavin is done spitting up, he's turning into such a little boy now, walking and saying his first word (Ryder's sit totally sounded like a 4 letter word too!). And Bradley undressing himself makes me laugh, he has so many different expressions, love that boy!

Lindsay said...

Your boys are gorgeous - and so are you! :) Good luck with your delivery! (After you get home, of course!)

Nicki said...

I love the ones of Bradley taking his pj's off, cute! Good luck in your last week or so of being pregnant! Can't wait to see what baby #3 looks like!

lauramarkey said...

your boys look so sweet! and u are a beautiful pregnant lady! i bet your ready for baby 3 to be here! good luck :) :)