LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree

How lovely are your branches………..?  Our tree is not so lovely.  The ornaments are lovely to Gavin and that is why our tree looks like this.


Brad and Bradley went to pick a real tree on Saturday morning and I was finished all the decorating by Sunday evening.  This included trips for more lights and all my many distractions! Well, by Monday night all the bottom ornaments were gone.  A few broken, most of them scattered all over the floor and all the dangerous or glass ones had been moved to the top! So, THIS IS IT! It will have to remain like this the rest of the month.  When Bradley was 10 months old and at a intrigued age for the tree he was over it after I told him “No” a few times and it just become like a piece of furniture in the house that was off limits.

Gavin, on the other hand, has run around the tree, tried to eat the tree, pulled the lights.  I am really praying he never knocks it over!!  Here are some more pictures of our decorating weekend.


Gavin already knows which one is his Santa! 


Bradley being Hercules in the tree skirt!  A true Roman Soldier get up!




Look at that face!


What Mom….it doesn't matter how many snowman you put out for me to play with, I still love things I can’t touch the best!



I wonder what it tastes like? 


Bradley helping Mommy with the final touches on Sunday evening before Gavin made us rearrange it. 


Bradley puts all the ornaments in one spot anyways so this is definitely just a KIDS tree this year!  Is it surprising that Bradley is shirtless too?!


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Also, I am one week away from my due date today.  I went to the doctor yesterday and am making other progressions but am not dilated yet.  I have been having pre labor contractions though and today was on the heating pad a lot because my back was killing me.  Hopefully the next post will be brought to you by my favorite and the best guest blogger….LIZ! To keep everyone up to date on the delivery and the announcement of the birth of our third Woodward son!


The Marsh's said...

Yayyyyyy, i'm on the edge of my seat waiting for all the details!! LOL your tree cracks me up, it will definitely be a memorable one for you that you'll talk about for years to come!

Nicki said...

Wishing you an easy and speedy delivery!! Can't wait to see baby #3! :-)

tiffabbey said...

I was laughing through the cute! I love your top heavy tree...these are the things that make our lives so special with children! (Tip: secure the tree with fishing line to the wall or ceiling to prevent a fall)

I can't wait to hear all about your new little boy! Good luck and if you need anything let me know!

two girls, a boy and a blog said...

This is so funny, i was looking at this and out of the blue Madelyn says "does auntie em have a mom?" i said "yes" and she said "i just want to see her i showed her your mom and she said "oh boy she is pretty" :-) Your pics are just so sweet i love them!!