LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Monday, October 17, 2011

10 months

Yesterday Easton hit his 10 month mark. I don’t really know how much is different from last month.  He is eating more table food and just exploring and getting into anything at his level. 

He is doing great pulling up and standing holding on.  He cruises around things a little but instead of cruising around the furniture he is more interested in learning how to push things.  He is still so sweet and adorable.  Everyone in the house, including Gavin, definitely knows he is the baby and kisses all over him and watches out for him and treats him like the little peanut he is!


Notice the rolls on his arm hanging over the table. 


Thunder thighs and the line around his ankle his roll creates! Fat babies are so much fun! ha!


I gave him this phone to occupy him as he was not into having his pictures taken.  Here he is playing with it…..


then he dropped it and he is thinking about getting it…..


Yay! He got it so now…..


He arm lunges it back over to the coffee table to set it down so then he can grasp on and pull himself up again.  It must be tough work being a 10 month old. 


We noticed he was pushing boxes around and toys around on the floor trying to stand up behind them.  I got this walker truck out but as you would imagine Gavin was hogging it.  I need to get him his own little walker that doesn’t have a seat for the boys to want to use.  Here he is trying to get on his feet but it rolls away before he can!


Pulling himself up again.  Hooyah, never quit!


And, YAY! Excited for himself again. 


Crawling away from me sine he is over the pictures.  It was bed time. 


Hanging out with his two best big brothers.  Good Night!


The Marsh's said...

Easton looks so much like Bradley to me in these pictures!! Happy 10 months big boy :)

two girls, a boy and a blog said...

Kiss my little guys good night from Aunt Devon!

gigi said...

He's so cute Emily - just like his big brothers!