LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Number 8

When we showed up for Bradley’s first game they got their team shirts and he was given number 8.  Eight rhymes with GREAT so we were digging it.  Also, his cousins Bella and Jackson are eight which he thinks is cool and he talks about them being older and that is about when he doesn’t have to use a car seat at that age.  It is funny how he is trying to piece together his little life and wants to understand at what age he can do things. 




Playing against one of his school classmates, Davis, who he has befriended this year. 


Here is his team picture that I snuck up behind the photographer to take since I did not buy a package of pictures. 


The first time he has done “Good Game, Good game” line up! I don’t know what to call it :) It is neat seeing him on team sports and doing all the stuff mommy and daddy grew up doing. 



I made cake POPS already this year for Bradley to take to school.  It was a “Shape Party” and this was his request.  So we called them Circle Shape Cakes on a Stick instead.  Here they are testing them out for quality of taste.  I think they passed!


Playing together.


I had a Groupon I had to use up before it expired and I am always bad about being creative under pressure at these places.  I am really happy that I just stuck to simple because I will cherish this plate forever I am sure!


Easton is so more curious these days and pulling up wanting to be a part of everything.  The days of plopping him in the bumbo are way over!

I had to take some butt/thunder thigh shots while he waited for his turn in the tub.  I couldn’t resist. 



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Sophia was over for a little play date after school on Monday.  Bradley, literally didn’t even see this coming.  I don’t know if he has any clue what is in store for him with girls in the future!


When Liz came over to pick her up with Chasers, we realized they all had coordinating colors on.  Look at these 3 handsome stinkers!  In this picture Gavin has on two shoes that Bradley just grew out of but are still a bit big for him.  He has hijacked them and wants to wear them on the wrong feet everyday and has even slept with them.  he has the strangest attachment issues. 


Liz said...

Oh my goodness, that pic of Sophia and Bradley is too much!! Those two- I swear! I love our cutie boys. And I LOVE Bradley in his uniform. Our kids are growing up too fast.

The Marsh's said...

Oh my gosh, Gavin's little quirks are perfect for a good laugh!! You gotta get a pic of him sleeping with the shoes!

Patty B said...

I LOVE Easton's thunder thighs!! He really is "beastin'"!!