LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Falling Into Fun

We are loving fall around here.  October is and always has been my favorite time of the year.  It brings the crisp weather and the leaves changing colors and falling.  You can jump in the raked up piles, go to the pumpkin patch, enjoy a hay ride and drink warm apple cider.  This is also fair season and the best part is that it is my birthday month.  Now Gavin gets to share this wonderful birthday month with me too.  We hope to be able to enjoy all or most of what fall has to offer soon.  Tomorrow we are going to the pumpkin patch for Bradley and Brad to partake in their tradition of finding the “best” pumpkin in the field.  Here are some pictures of the boys having fun around the house and in the bath and then today at the park.  We got ice cream in cups not cones so we could take it to the park with our lunch, then PLAY!



Gavin tells himself this now! Really!


Having him be upright is still funny to see.  He is the “baby” so why can’t he just stay just that! Tear!



Having fun with an indoor ball. 


Daddy helped them to move all my furniture on the porch into a fort.  It got late and we left it like that last night and then this morning I asked Bradley to put everything back.  I looked out the window and was amazed at how strong he was and how he was really “working.”  He looked all grown up and I was so proud of him for not complaining if something was heavy and he never quit until the job was done. 


Last night they all took their first bath together! Adorable!!


Bradley flossing his teeth! ha!



Sitting so patiently today while his big brothers played. 

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He got his turn to swing and have fun too.  He is such an easy going blessing. 

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All three of them swinging.


When it was all time to go mommy and daddy’s second little helper had to buckle.  This is his favorite thing to do is buckle and will freak out screaming and say “I buckle, buckle!” if you try to help him.  He even has people I know let them buckle their baby’s in the infant car seats.  He grins and is so pleased with himself when he does this successfully! 

1 comment:

two girls, a boy and a blog said...

Aww...this makes me miss my little nephews:-( Can you come to my house and take our pictures :-) LOL