LOVE THEM. Live in the present. Remember grace abounds. Feed them real food. Let them see you struggle. PRAY LOTS. don't be afraid to let them fail. Ask for forgiveness. BE STILL. LOVE THEM.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Gavin!

Today you are TWO Gavin! We are certainly looking forward to another year of fun with you son since you have made the past two years so amazing! Daddy and I are blessed to the brim from you.  We love you to the moon and back.  You have captured our hearts and make us smile and laugh each and every single day! All of the tears, boo-boos, colicky nights, tantrums, puppy dog faces, kisses, hugs and fun times of the past few years have led us to this point today.  Today was a celebration of your little life that is a MUST to celebrate because you are so uniquely and indescribably a gift to us.  We know God has great plans ahead in life for you.  Here is what you did today on your special day….


Took this last night when I hung it for him so it would be there when he woke up.  I couldn’t help but notice all the handprints on my window. 


The birthday boy and his sidekick getting into the gifts bright and early.  I swear they think there birthdays are Christmas since mommy makes such big deals out of them. 


Tearing into the gift Grammy sent. 

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Smiling at this new green monkey.  Thanks Grammy!

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Now onto the gift from Mommy, Daddy, Bradley and Easton. 


A tiger pillow pet and a little dinosaur that roars.  His little party theme was “Things that go ROAR” so our gifts went with that theme.  He loves to ROAR and does a pretty good one and we think it is funny that it is his default animal noise.  If he doesn't remember when you ask him “what does the duck say?” he will say either “roar” or a “moo!” Now onto more of his “roaring two’s” day that is not to be confused with the “roaring twenties.”


He loved his new things so much that he had to test them out how he would use them for night- night right there on the coffee table. Why am I not one bit surprised?!  


We went to the park today for a small party with friends.  He is checking out his cool large lion balloon. 



Chocolate pumpkin cream cheese cupcakes, the same as last year.  I thought I may make it a tradition but they didn’t turn out the same so I don’t think I will. 


Playing I see you and being silly!



Two of our guests. Jonathon and Josiah.


Easton tangling Daddy up in the balloons. 



Another lovely guest, “Tabita” as the boys calls her.


And another lovely guest. 


He is all about drinking water out of a big boy cup now.  He does really good but as you can see here he drenches himself still sometimes.  Which, is why he likes the big boy cup so much.


Walking away from the picture.  He really does not like to “listen” and wants to be in his own terrible two world and have all of us orbit around him.  I hope that is not what he really wished for when blowing out his candles.  Ha!


We were joking because today for his birthday/party he was a party pooper as he was the only one who needed a diaper change the whole time there and it was his party so he could cry if he wanted to! So, that is exactly what he did.  This face is only because I picked him up and parked his butt in-between the girls for a group picture.  Since that wasn't on his agenda….TANTRUM!


It calmed down for a second and thankfully Laura came to the rescue and gave him a gift to hold. 


She saved the day and he was still cutting her the evil eye.  What a little stinker!

It was a great party.  Thanks everyone who made it special for him and for our family. 

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He had such a great day.  We probably told him Happy Birthday 200 times today and talked about how he is 2 now.  He also probably blew out his candles like 15 times or more.  He was hilarious and kept blowing them out before we finished the song so I kept relighting, he kept blowing. 


The T.Goins said...

Happy Birthday to your little man! Hope you are enjoying all of the Fall fun... such a great time of the year! Love all the pics...

The Marsh's said...

Happy Birthday Gavin!!! Oh the terrible two's...gotta love (or hate!) them. Can't believe he's 2 already!

Diana said...

Happy Birthday, Gavin :)